Tuesday 24 April 2012


Not long left now guys so here are a few reminders to ensure you are all doing the right things in the last week and are handing in the correct things.

1) Make sure that you carefully check the marking scheme which is on the VLE to see if you are putting enough detail in to your blog and you are documenting your work appropriately.

2) Evaluate your work! You should be appraising and evaluating your work as you go through it. You should refer to the original design goals.

3) You MUST hand in a print out of your blog. (You don't need to print out any posts which were already submitted for the first hand in)

4) Your disc MUST contain a final rendered video file and ALL of your supporting work files.

5) It is expected that your final video is edited using Adobe Premiere or something similar. It will also be beneficial if you add some music/sound at this stage to really lift the animation. If you have not used premiere before or need a refresher then please take a look at my video editing notes -> http://www.beorangedesign.com/tutorials/3D/videoEditing.zip

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